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Articles by Nick Green

About Nick Green (1 Articles)
Nick is a father of 2, motivational speaker, and health and wellness coach. He spent most of his adult years being a toxic, narcissistic, egomaniacal womanizer. These tendencies lead him down a path of negativity and addiction. Secretly, he was battling immense depression and fear of other people's opinions. At 29, he was blessed to suffer a mild heart attack. This was a blessing because it made him face the existence he was hiding behind. The heart attack was a wake up call. After spending the majority of his life skinny, he found himself in the hospital, 60 pounds overweight and pre-diabetic. In the past several years, he has reached 10 percent body fat, reversed his metabolic numbers, studied nutrition and wellness, and volunteered time speaking at schools, rehabs, and clinics on overcoming yourself, positivity, mindfulness, exercise, and the important of healthy relationships.
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