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Looking for exceptional Mind Body Spirit professionals for informational content is looking for exceptional commentators to share views and mind, body, spirit news and information in a creative and interesting manner.


Who are we looking for? Mind: Meditation Instructor, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychiatric Nurse, Counselor, Marriage And Family Therapists, Art Therapist, Addiction Therapists, etc. Body: Any type of Physical Doctor, Nurses, Physical Therapists, etc. Spirit: Preacher, Priest,  Shaman, Prophet, etc.


What is in it for you?
1. The satisfaction of helping others.
2. An about me page about you with your credentials and a link to your web page if desired.
3. Being an writer for our magazine would look great on your resume which may help you get a step up in your profession.
4. t-shirt &  fridge magnet


Please send us a message and let us know if you are interested, we can’t wait to hear from you!

[si-contact-form form=’1′]

About admin (23 Articles)
Mind Body Spirit for Life magazine is here to help you fulfill full life balance. Our writers are passionate about natural healing and strive to help our readers in all aspects of life. We are proud to send you words of encouragement to get you through the day, visit us often for updates and tips on everyday issues.
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