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Why Is There Plastic in Man’s Penis?

A recent study led by Matthew Campen at the University of New Mexico has uncovered a concerning reality: human testicles contain three times more microplastics than previously thought, surpassing levels found in animal testes and human placentas⁠1⁠.

These plastic shards pose significant risks to male fertility and reproductive health, potentially increasing the likelihood of cancers, especially testicular cancer. The study unveils a surprising trend as microplastic levels peak during men’s prime reproductive years, from ages 20 to 45, before gradually declining after age 55⁠1⁠.

This is absolutely infuriating! Humanity’s relentless pollution is poisoning our bodies, and it’s high time we wake up and realize the damage we’re doing. We need to abandon this destructive path and return to nature and God’s way. With plastic exposure showing no signs of slowing down, proactive measures are essential to mitigate the potential risks posed by these harmful pollutants. Campen emphasizes, “It really puts in perspective of what we’re putting in our own bodies”⁠1⁠.

There needs to be more research on how to detox ourselves, including the potential use of Methylene Blue, which has shown promise in helping rid the body of several toxins and viruses.


US NEWS May 22, 2024

About Donna Hoover (9 Articles)
Donna Hoover is the mother of five children that she adores dearly. She enjoys painting, woodworking, canoeing, nature watching, and most importantly she is a follower of Jesus Christ. She loves people and animals and (although she admits she is far from perfect) strives to be the person God made her to be. Donna pays close attention to nutrition and the health of her family.
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