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Flying Monkeys: Understanding Their Role in Narcissistic Abuse

Flying monkeys are individuals who are manipulated and used by narcissists to carry out their agenda and target their victims. This term is derived from the flying monkeys in “The Wizard of Oz,” who do the bidding of the Wicked Witch.

How Narcissists Use Flying Monkeys

Narcissists strategically employ flying monkeys to exert control, manipulate situations, and further their own interests. Here are some common ways narcissists use flying monkeys:

  1. Enablers: Flying monkeys enable the narcissist’s behavior by supporting their actions and minimizing or denying any wrongdoing.
  2. Spying and Gathering Information: Narcissists send flying monkeys to gather information about their victims, including their vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
  3. Smear Campaigns: Flying monkeys spread false information and rumors about the narcissist’s victims, damaging their reputation and isolating them from their support network.
  4. Hoovering: Flying monkeys may be used to lure the victim back into the narcissist’s grasp by delivering messages or attempting to reconcile on their behalf.
  5. Intimidation and Threats: In some cases, flying monkeys may engage in harassment, intimidation, or even threats towards the narcissist’s victims.

Identifying Flying Monkeys

It’s important to recognize the signs of flying monkeys to protect yourself from further harm. Here are some indicators that someone may be acting as a flying monkey:

  • Unquestioning Loyalty: They blindly support the narcissist without questioning their actions or considering alternative perspectives.
  • Lack of Empathy: Flying monkeys show little empathy towards the narcissist’s victims, often dismissing their experiences or emotions.
  • Repeating Narcissist’s Narrative: They consistently echo the narcissist’s viewpoints and narratives, even when presented with contradictory evidence.
  • Aggressive or Hostile Behavior: Flying monkeys may engage in aggressive or hostile behavior towards the narcissist’s victims, attempting to intimidate or silence them.

Protecting Yourself from Flying Monkeys

Dealing with flying monkeys can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself:

  1. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with the flying monkeys and communicate your expectations regarding their involvement in the situation.
  2. Document Incidents: Keep a record of any interactions or incidents involving flying monkeys, including dates, times, and details of the events.
  3. Seek Support: Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or professionals who can provide emotional support and guidance during this difficult time.
  4. Practice Self-Care: Take care of your physical and emotional well-being by engaging in activities that bring you joy and help you heal.

Remember, understanding the role of flying monkeys and how narcissists use them is crucial to breaking free from their manipulation and reclaiming your life.

About Madison Hoffman (16 Articles)
Madison lives a clean simple lifestyle on the bay of Port St. Joe, Florida. She enjoys sail boating, nature watching, photography, deep water sea fishing, and spending time with her children and husband. She eats vegetarian, gluten free, non GMO and strives to grow or catch most of what her family consumes.
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